Sunday, 6 July 2014

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Tiredness explained

By: Unknown On: 02:25
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  • “Why are you so tired??” is a question many would have faced from their near and dear often. I think this question is put by everyone to oneself on most days in a month. If not, then you should be kidding yourself. So did you ever try to work on this common but yet incompletely diagnosed problem. Why? Because most of us get better or feel fresh the next morning. Does the Sun have all the magic powers to heal you? May or may not be. One thing made clear by clinicians is that if you are tired and drained out on most days in a month, you definitely got to get it checked.
    Tiredness and fatigability are one of the symptoms that are commonly misunderstood by most individuals. They occur routinely as such and the need for seeing a doctor is often missed. Tiredness and fatigability are one of the few common symptoms that are associated with multiple conditions including cancer. Hence, I would strongly recommend, that you do not take it for granted.
    Here are few causes that are most likely to cause tiredness
    • Lack of adequate sleep: A healthy individual needs at least 6-8hours of constant sleep for remaining active. Lack of adequate sleep can significantly affect body response, concentration and performance. If you are getting easily tired, ask yourself if you are sleeping adequately. If there are frequent problems in sleeping or if you are waking up constantly from sleep, this may be causing the tiredness. Consider meeting your doctor even if you have these issues after following some sleep-hygiene measures.
    • Lack of energy: Human body, in a way is a living machine leaning on a constant energy source for its functioning. So it’s obvious that lack of energy, due to inadequate feeding habits (in terms of calories and right nutrients) are responsible for tiredness and weakness. It is time that you look at your diet and modify it. A proper and well balanced diet containing a proper mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals is essential.
    • Anemia: Iron deficiency and anemia are one of most common disorders in menstruating women. It may also be a factor responsible for your tiredness and fatigue. Consider getting hemoglobin levels checked, especially if you are a woman and fall in the menstruating age group. Others too need to consider this as a possible factor if the above two are taken care of.
    tired man
    • Psychological conditions: Emotional disorders such as depressions is well known to cause fatigability. If your symptoms include extreme tiredness, lack of appetite, reduced interest in activities, recent changes in weight - you probably may be suffering from depression. Depression can be treated with medications and psychotherapy. Hence see a psychologist / psychiatrist to find if you really suffer from such a problem and early treatment is the trick.
    • Chronic medical conditions: Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes and heart disease are few of the common disorders which may be making you feel tired. A proper treatment and control of conditions are not only essential in preventing tiredness but also necessary to prevent complications from building up.
    • Infections: Infections are strong contenders especially if you have developed tiredness recently. Common infections such as viral infections, Urinary tract infections and other chronic infections are known to cause tiredness and fatigue. In such cases, fever and generalized body ache are commonly accompanying symptoms. You may need appropriate antibiotics, if you have been infected.
    • Dehydration: Water constitutes 90% of human body. This shows how important water is for the normal functioning of the body. Hence it’s natural that body functions get disturbed if there is lack of enough water. Drink plenty of water before work and during work. It is said that 80% of common headaches are because of dehydration. Brain requires water for its functioning hence when you feel tired and with headache, sip good amount of fluids.
    • Occupation: Rotating shifts are responsible in disrupting the sleep cycle. Your body is used to a particular sleep pattern. Constant rotation of shift can disrupt this cycle, make you feel tired during your work and wake you up during your sleep. If you are unable to prevent altering your shift timings, use measures like frequent breaks during work, fun during work, exercise before the sleeping time as all these work as sleeping aids.
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: Unexplained fatigability lasting for more than 6 to 8 months, where no other causes have been proved can be due to chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. In presence of such conditions lifestyle changes, improvements in sleeping habits, proper stress management and physical exercise may be necessary.
    • Others: Other circumstances such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and increased caffeine consumption, lack of physical exercise and food allergies are also responsible for reduced performance levels and tiredness. You will have to reconsider your present lifestyle, bringing the necessary changes for better performance and reduction in tiredness.


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