Sunday, 6 July 2014

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Gluten. This Decades Diet Farce?

By: Unknown On: 02:21
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  • In the 80's new food products started sneaking on to the shelves. They all had this new cool packaging which screamed.. LOW FAT! NO FAT! All of a sudden our collective culture had decided that Fat was bad on our bellies and so it was bad in our food. Little did we know that 2 decades later, we would be facing diabetes epidemics and childhood obesity epidemics because we replaced all that fat with something more sinister - Sugar!
    Today we have taken another fancy - Whole Foods. The mantra is Gluten is bad and must be eliminated. How true is that notion? Let us examine.
    gluten food
    What Is Gluten?
    Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye, and barley that is commonly found in bread, beer, pasta, and many if not in most processed foods containing grain.
    In about 1 out of a hundred people, eating gluten causes an allergic reaction in the digestive system. The bowels' insides become inflamed and flattened and those people end up having trouble absorbing nutrition from their diet. The disease is called Celiac Disease.
    Celiac disease is diagnosed through blood tests and endoscopy. So in those people with celiac, we can figure out what is going on. But what about the 99%? The rest of the population that doesn't suffer so severely when eating gluten? Should we worry? Should we cut out gluten?
    There is no test and very little evidence which supports the theory that NON-Celiac sufferers have any problem with gluten at all.
    Celiac researchers Antonio Di Sabatino, MD, and Gino Roberto Corazza, MD, of Italy's University of Pavia, have written in detail on what is known about gluten sensitivity and addressed the growing hype about the benefits of gluten-free eating.
    "Claims [about gluten-free diets] seem to increase daily, with no adequate scientific support to back them up," they write. "This clamour has increased and moved from the Internet to the popular press, where gluten has become the new diet villain."
    gluten protein
    Gluten.. Not the Protein you’re looking for?
    It has been noted in peer-reviewed literature that many symptoms attributed to gluten may actually be caused by sensitivity to other components of wheat flour or other ingredients found in wheat-based foods like bread, pasta, and breakfast cereals.
    Complaints that have been attributed to gluten sensitivity include loose stools, cramping, bloating, headaches, and fatigue. Some have claimed Gluten has a tenuous linkage with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
    Experts write that some people may experience these symptoms when they eat foods containing gluten simply because they believe these foods will make them sick. A psychosomatic reaction.
    They conclude that common sense must prevail to "prevent a gluten preoccupation from evolving into the conviction that gluten is toxic for most of the population."


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