Saturday 12 July 2014

Eight Benefits Of Yogurt

By: Unknown On: 22:29
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  • Yogurt is one versatile nutrient rich, all-star food. Here’s the scoop on what it can do and how much you should eat:
    Yogurt helps you lose weight. Have 18 ounces a day and you can drop a jeans size.
    It is a great source of protein and fibre and provides for instant energy. It makes you feel full longer for long periods.
    It boosts your stamina immensely since it is loaded with vitamins. Potassium, phosphorous, zinc and iodine are a few of the many nutrients that are present in yogurt.
    It is rich in B12, which upholds red blood cells and keeps your nervous system running.
    It doesn’t give birth to cavities, despite its sugar content. It contains lactic acid, which provides protection for your gums.
    Active cells in it combat sickness and make your immune system much stronger therefore one serving of yogurt can do wonders.
    It can be used as a hair conditioner, leaving hair radiant and gleaming. Apply to scalp and wash it off 30 minutes later. This simple treatment can help dodge multiple hair problems.
    It is also a great exfoliator when mixed with ground nuts and applied to face. Helps banish dark spots and evens out skin tone.
    Published in The Express Tribune, July 12th, 2014.

    Recipe: Honey and mustard prawns

    By: Unknown On: 22:27
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  • In the mood for some fancy shrimp for dinner at home?
    How about you try out this delicious recipe, suggested by united 
    •  750g prawn cutlets
    •  2 tbsp lemon juice
    •  2 tbsp honey, melted
    •  2 tbsp Dijon mustard
    •  1 tsp curry powder
    •  2 tbsp sesame seeds
    •  1 tbsp olive oil
    •  1/2 tsp salt
    •  Freshly ground black pepper
    Mix together the lemon juice, honey, mustard and curry powder to form a smooth sauce and then add the sesame seeds.
    Heat the olive oil in a large pan.
    Toss in the prawn cutlets and sprinkle with salt and add some grounded black pepper to it.
    Cook the prawns until they turn pink, tossing them gently around the pan.
    Add the honey-mustard sauce and stir constantly for another minute or two until all the prawns are coated.
    Serve with wedges of lemon over a bed of rice if desired.
    Published in The Express Tribune, June 28th, 2014.

    Fro-yo dessert, anyone?

    By: Unknown On: 22:24
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  • It is cool and nutritious and when nonfat yogurt and natural sweeteners are used, it is friendly for your waistline as well.

    Ice-cream-like yogurt desserts are bliss during Ramazan summers — be it your sehri eye-opener or your iftar fast-breaker. Let’s face it; we go overboard with hard-to-burn calories during Ramazan with the traditional, fried delicacies and confections. Therefore, it will be a pleasant change for you to try out this fun recipe. It is cool and nutritious and when nonfat yogurt and natural sweeteners are used, it is friendly for your waistline as well.
    The basic idea is to prepare a smooth and creamy yogurt base and a thick paste of fruit pulp. Mix them together before setting in the freezer to turn to ice-cream. The strenuous Indian way is that of hanging the yogurt for hours (overnight) in a muslin cloth over a strainer. It is set in the fridge and excess water drops out of the yogurt. The remaining curd is thick and creamy when blended. This is how the Gujrati Shrikand is prepared. Why go through the hassle and lose all the hydrating water content when it can do you wonders during fierce summery Ramazan heat? Another way is to blend in cream with yogurt and ruin the healthiness by adding harmful calories. The best way is to add lemon juice which causes yogurt to curdle and curd and water to separate.
    Using this technique, allow me to help you blend up a delicious frozen yogurt ice-cream dessert. The recipe serves four people.
    1/2 cup non-fat plain yogurt
    3 ½ cups chopped fruit of choice (mango, peaches, strawberries, bananas, and pineapples work best)
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    Natural sweetener or fine sugar, according to taste
    In a food processor, add the chopped fruits of your choice and sprinkle sugar/sweetener.
    In a separate mixing cup, add yogurt and lemon and mix to form a paste.
    Begin grinding the fruits and start pouring in the yogurt paste slowly. This is similar to blending in ice-cream bases before they are transferred to an ice-cream maker.
    Between intervals, scrape the sides of the food processor, so all ingredients are being crushed in smoothly. Once done with the entire yogurt, scoop out the mixture in serving bowls and set them in the freezer for a good two hours.
    You can become a fro-yo mixer this Ramazan and surprise your family with new flavours. Some great flavours can be infused by boiling the fruit with water and evaporating it completely to reduce the contents to a pulp. This could go into the food processor instead of chopped fruits. Save yourself the hassle of making this fruit puree and put in your favourite jam or marmalade to flavour the yogurt. Throw in a little bit of vanilla essence, add a couple of tablespoons of thick custard and only super smart ones will be able to tell the difference between yogurt and ice-cream. You can go chocolate and add melted chocolate to the mix. Nuts, grated coconut, and chocolate chips could go into the mix as well. Alternatively, these could also be used as toppings to garnish your fro-yo dessert.
    To make your fro-yo look like ice-cream, you need to serve it creatively. Use a scoop, or piping bag to pipe out a swirl after the yogurt is frozen. Let it soften a bit if piping it, and re-freeze to set the swirl. Food colours can also be added.
    Anum Ali is a US-based creative writer and home baker. She is an editor and staff writer for Muslim youth magazines and websites, and publishes her own food, travel, and photography blogs. 

    Wednesday 9 July 2014

    9 Benefits of Honey Water You Never Knew

    By: Unknown On: 09:19
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  • benefits-honey-water1. Watch Your Weight Melt Away

    Yes, drinking water and honey can help you lose weight. Get the plaguing thoughts about the sugar aspect of honey out of your head, as that is one of its benefits. I know, I know, it sounds crazy and too good to be true, but it isn’t. The sugar in honey is a natural sugar (or read: good for you), which provides a healthy source of calories. Not only that, it can help to ward off any sugary sweet beverage cravings you may have. Soda pop is full of empty calories, and though everyone knows this they still reach for the bubbly refreshment. By cutting back on the amount of pop you drink, your calorie intake drops and with that so do the pounds. It may not be an overnight success story, but it is better for you all around in the long run.

    2. Stay Regular

    OK, I know talking about being ‘regular’ can sometimes be taboo, but if Jamie Lee Curtis can do it, so can I. Drinking a warm glass of water with honey first thing in the morning helps to improve your digestive system. The antiseptic benefits of honey help relieve the acidity in your stomach while increasing the production of intestinal mucus. It also helps to hydrate the colon and infuse water into your, excuse me for this, stool. All of this combines you passing much more easily and regularly. Which brings us back to watching your weight melt away, because… well, I think you can figure the rest of this one out without my help.

    3. Gives Your Immune System A Helping Hand

    Have I stressed just how good honey is for you yet? Honey has amazing bacteria-killing properties. If you go for raw, organic honey (you should) it is full of enzymes (hello again digestion), vitamins and minerals that lead the front line against protecting against bacteria. One study presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s Spring Conference in Harrogate, UK found that Manuka honey may even help reverse bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Honey is also an antioxidant, which helps fight those bad free radicals that reek havoc in our body and on our skin.

    4. Reduce Your Allergies

    And no, I’m not suggesting to take a Claritin or something like that with the glass of honey water. By using raw, local honey you help to acclimate your body to the pollens of your area. In turn, this helps to reduce your susceptibility to environmental allergies. If you really think about what bees do in the grand scheme of things, this makes perfect sense. Now I know the warm water isn’t necessarily crucial to helping with allergies, but being hydrated is never a bad thing.

    5. Hello Energy, My Old Friend

    Move over coffee  – honey and warm water are the new dream team for boosting energy.  The benefit to your energy levels by staying hydrated has all but been shouted from a rooftop. Think of your body as a houseplant. You know how droopy and sad it gets when you’ve forgotten to water it? Your body essentially does the same thing. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can leave you feeling lethargic, drowsy and sluggish. So let’s add honey into this equation. Now you have a natural source of simple sugars and carbohydrates (energy-givers) to an all ready proven energy booster. The total? A refreshed outlook on life and energy that you didn’t know could come without a cup of coffee. Now, I’m not telling you to cut coffee out – I know I couldn’t function with out it – but next time you feel an afternoon crash, try reaching for some honey and warm water first and see if that does the trick.

    6. Soothe That Sore Throat And Cut That Cough

    According to the Mayo Clinic, hot water with honey can help reduce the soreness and irritation of a sore throat. Honey helps to coat the throat while the warm water soothes. This soothing and coating action also helps to reduce your cough, as coughing is sometimes caused by irritation from a sore throat.

    7. Detox, Detox, Detox!

    Honey and warm water helps to flush out the toxins from your body. By helping you to get regular, it helps you to regularly rid your body of toxins that can build up and cause disease. Adding lemon to the mix increases the benefits, as lemons help to increase urination, dispelling toxins more frequently and keeping your urinary tract healthy. Lemon contains citric acid, which helps to maximize enzyme function and in turn stimulate the liver and help with detoxification.

    8. Gassy? It Helps With That.

    Feeling a little uncomfortable and gassy? Drinking a glass of warm water and honey will help! Honey helps to neutralize gas.

    9. Increase Your Health

    Not only will drinking warm water and honey increase your hydration (plus everything else I’ve listed), it also helps to increase the levels of “good” cholesterol in your body and reduce cardiovascular strain. I call that a win, win.

    10 Surprising Benefits Of Earl Grey Tea You Never Knew

    By: Unknown On: 06:01
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  • earlgrey


    I love Earl Grey tea. I enjoy it so much that I even wrote an article on the history of Earl Grey for my blog. I discovered Earl Grey doesn’t just have a unique and tasty flavor (although not everyone would agree with that), it also has a wide range of benefits.

    1. Good for Your Teeth

    Tea contains very high levels of catechin, an antioxidant that fights oral infections. Fluoride is also a natural component of Earl Grey tea, and it’s also found in tap water. Fluoride is good for your teeth because it protects them from cavities, as well as fighting decay. So if you’re not a fan of city water, Earl Grey can be another natural way to get your daily dose of fluoride.

    2. Digestion

    Earl Grey tea has been known to improve digestion. It aids in the digestive process and helps relieve painful indigestion, colic and nausea. It is also used to treat intestinal problems such as worms. Because it helps the digestive process, it can also help to keep you regular.

    3. Fights Anxiety and Depression

    The bergamot in Earl Grey tea has been known to have a calming effect on people, as well as to boost a person’s mood. This is due to bergamot’s natural aromatherapy qualities. In this way Earl Grey is a good natural solution for people suffering from depression, stress and anxiety.

    4. Energy

    It may not have as much as a kick as coffee, but it does contain enough caffeine to give you a nice little afternoon boost without keeping you up all night.

    5. Cancer Prevention

    Earl Grey contains high quantities of antioxidants, which help our bodies to fight off free radicals that cause diseases such as cancer. Therefore, drinking the tasty beverage can give you a greater chance of not developing such diseases.
    On a slightly less serious note, antioxidants also help your skin to stay healthy and looking young. Again, this is due to fighting free radicals that can damage your skin.

    6. Weight Loss

    Unsurprisingly, one of the most popular effects of Earl Grey tea is weight loss. This is primarily due to its citrus extract. It’s because of this that many people believe that citrus fruits in general can induce weight loss. It’s thought that calories are either broken down into food for your muscles or released through the natural metabolic process. So instead of cream or sugar, try putting lemon in your future cups of tea instead.

    7. Prevention of Heart Disease

    Good news everyone! Apparently, drinking three cups of Earl Grey tea daily may help lower your risk for heart disease. A study published in 2012 in Preventative Medicine found that people who drank three cups of black tea daily dramatically lowered their blood triglyceride levels and increased the ‘good cholesterol’ HDL after three months. The participants also had increased levels of antioxidants, which, as we now know, fight against free radicals that damage your cells.
    Further research conducted by the University of Cantanzaro in Italy has also yielded positive results. A study of over two hundred patients with high levels of blood fats found that LDL (also know as ‘bad cholesterol) ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) was reduced by 39 per cent after a month of taking Earl Grey extract. It also reduced blood sugars by 22 per cent and raised ‘good’ cholesterol by 41 per cent. The reduction in blood sugar also shows that Earl Grey may be highly beneficial for those suffering with diabetes.

    8. Stress Relief

    Unlike the effects of coffee, Earl Grey tea relaxes and soothes the body almost instantly. It also has a stress relief effect whilst simultaneously providing the same clarity and focus as coffee. This makes it the perfect alternative for those who don’t want to get overly wired from coffee.

    9. Cold Relief

    The bergamot found within Earl Grey is said to improve the immune system as well as cure fevers. As such, it’s considered to be a natural cold remedy.

    10. It Keeps You Hydrated

    And no, not just because you take it with water.
    Unlike the dehydrating properties of coffee, tea helps you stay hydrated and maintains the body’s fluid balance because of its high potassium content.

    15 Brilliant Benefits And Uses Of Lemon You Need To Know

    By: Unknown On: 05:56
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  • lemons 

    15 Amazing Benefits of Lemon:

    1. Cure for acne. Lemon contains antibacterial properties that can kill off the P. acne bacteria, fight infection and inflammation, and clear clogged pores.
    2. Whiten your teeth.  Make your own teeth whitening treatment by mixing lemon juice and baking soda, applying to it your teeth, and leaving it on for 60 seconds. The acid and sodium bicarbonate break down the coating coloring your teeth.
    3. Deal with dandruff. Lemon juice can kill off the bacteria causing dandruff, so apply it to your scalp with olive or coconut oil.
    4. Balance your pH. Lemons are surprisingly alkalinic, and they can help to balance your body’s internal pH.
    5. Flush your intestines. Lemons increase muscle contractions in your intestines, ensuring regular bowel movements that will flush the toxins and waste material. Just a glass of lemon water every morning can do the trick!
    6. Provide vital nutrients. You’ll find that these tasty citrus fruits are loaded with potassium, calcium, phosphorus, citric acid, and magnesium–all vital minerals your body cannot live without.
    7. Deal with inflammatory pain. Did you know that lemons can help to deal with the pain of swollen joints? It will fight off the uric acid that is causing gout, thereby reducing the presence of the crystals that makes gout such a painful problem.
    8. Cleanse your organs. Lemon contains citric acid, which can dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and even gallstones. Flush all these potentially painful build-ups from your organs to keep them running smoothly.
    9. Detoxify your liver. Drinking warm lemon water is a good way to show your liver some love, as lemon helps to detoxify this vital organ. It will stimulate the production of bile, dissolve uric acid, and get rid of toxins and poisons in your body.
    10. Protect your heart. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, a nutrient that has been linked to improved heart health. Vitamin C can lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, lower blood pressure, increase the production of HDL (good) cholesterol, fight off free radicals, and lower blood lipoprotein levels. All in all, it’s a very useful, heart-friendly vitamin.
    11. Improve brain health. Lemon peels contain a special phytonutrient called tangeretin. This potent nutrient has been proven useful at treating brain conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, as it protects the brain cells from decaying.
    12. Boost your immune system. Lemon is one of the best immune boosting foods, as the Vitamin C will help to fight off bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses in your body. It can destroy intestinal worms and even fight off cancer thanks to the 22 anti-cancer nutrients and compounds it contains.
    13. Soothe chapped lips. Applying a bit of lemon to your lips will help to prevent chapping, and can exfoliate the lips to remove dead skin cells. Rub lemon on at night and wash it off the next morning for the ultimate lip-healing remedy.
    14. Strengthen your fingernails. If your fingernails are yellow and brittle, it’s time to apply a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. The oil and acid mixture will harden your nails, preventing them from cracking or breaking easily. It can strengthen the nail beds, and will even whiten them when they have turned yellow.
    15. Improve skin tone. Worried about those blemishes and dark spots on your skin? Rub a bit of lemon juice onto the dark patches, and rinse it off a few minutes later with warm water. With daily application of this remedy, you can lighten the skin and even out your skin tone.
    Wow, lemons truly are some of the most useful fruits on the planet! Thanks to the Vitamin C, citric acid, and minerals it contains, you can improve your health drastically by using lemons.

    Mermaid Mystery Jal Pari Ka Raz

    By: Unknown On: 01:24
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  • Tuesday 8 July 2014

    Healthy Diet During Ramdan

    By: Unknown On: 05:43
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  • Intake of a balanced diet is critical to maintain good health, sustain an active lifestyle and attain the full benefits of Ramadan.
    Fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan can be good for one's health and personal development. Ramadan fasting is not just about disciplining the body to restrain from eating food and drinking water from predawn until sunset. The eyes, the ears, the tongue, and even the private parts are equally obligated to be restrained if a Muslim wants to gain the total rewards of fasting. Ramadan is also about restraining anger, doing good deeds, exercising personal discipline, and preparing oneself to serve as a good Muslim and a good person during and after Ramadan.
    In Ramadan, the health problems can emerge as a result of excess food intake, foods that make the diet unbalanced and insufficient sleep. Ultimately also, such a lifestyle contradicts the essential requirements and spirit of Ramadan.
    During Ramadan you need to put extra effort into including foods from all five food groups to ensure variety and a well-balanced diet. These foods include:
    Breads, cereals and other grain products
    Fruit and vegetables
    Milk, cheese and yogurt
    Meat, fish and poultry
    Fats and sugars (these contain very little nutrients and are high in calories and therefore their intake should be limited).
    The most commonly consumed foods by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) were milk, dates, lamb/mutton and oats. Healthy foods mentioned in the Holy Qur’an are fruit and vegetables, such as olives, onions, cucumber, figs, dates, grapes as well as pulses such as lentils.
    Complex carbohydrates are foods that will help release energy slowly during the long hours of fasting and are found in grains and seeds like barley, wheat, oats, millets, semolina, beans, lentils, whole meal flour and basmati rice. Look out for foods labeled Low G.I.
    Fibre-rich foods are also digested slowly and include bran, cereals, whole wheat, grains and seeds, potatoes with skin, vegetables such as green beans and almost all fruit, including apricots, prunes and figs.

    Foods to avoid are the heavily processed and fast-burning foods that contain refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour or fatty food like cakes, biscuits, chocolates and sweets. It may also be worth avoiding the caffeine content in drinks such as tea, coffee and cola (caffeine is a diuretic and stimulates faster water loss through urination).

    Nutritious Benefits of Aloe Vera

    By: Unknown On: 05:40
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  • Health & Beauty Tips
    Importance Of Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is very well known to be beneficial for human health and our body strength. It is full of nutrition having valuable ingredients.
    • A latest research in London proves that Aloe Vera is very accommodating to reduce cholesterol level. Its juice contains the key constituents which help to lose your weight fast.
    • Aloe Vera is advantageous to strengthen the digestive and immune system of human body.
    • It contains a number of vitamins including folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamins A, C & E.
    • Aloe Vera plants have vitamins B12 which attest very useful for brain and immune system.
    • Aloe Vera also contains minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, sodium, iron and potassium; moreover, it also includes amino acid and fanatic acid which makes powerful your digestive system.
    • Aloe Vera is considered to be based on gelatin like sea foods, chi seeds which assist improving the resistance power of your body and boost your stamina.
    • Aloe Vera is very supportive to exclude irregular discharges from human body.
    • Aloe Vera has magical effects against many diseases. It soothes the internal organs of human body.
    • Aloe Vera juice is very commonly prepared and abundantly used in America and Holland. According to experts it is beneficial for burnt skin and Chernobyl.  
    According to history, aloe Vera usage is very ancient and had started since Egypt civilization. Their physicians demonstrate aloe Vera benefits and attest it as a very powerful and magically fruitful plant. Many people use it for skin diseases especially for sun burn. Moreover, Aloe Vera is used for Arthritis, body diseases, for immune system, digestive system, and for the glowing and brightness of face skin.

    Benefits Of Honey In Urdu

    By: Unknown On: 05:38
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  • Benefits of Water melon in Urdu

    By: Unknown On: 05:37
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  • Tips To Control High Blood Pressure

    By: Unknown On: 05:35
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    • It is necessary to ensure your blood pressure is less than 140/90 mm Hg. If your systolic pressure (the top number) is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.
    • Take your high blood pressure medicine, if prescribed, every day. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.
    • Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.
    • Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods.
    • Read nutrition labels. Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.
    • Increase your physical activity by different exercises. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week. You can do 30 minutes in three 10-minute segments.
    • Choose foods low in salt and sodium. Most Americans should consume no more than 2.4 grams (2,400 milligrams) of sodium a day. That equals 6 grams, about one teaspoon of table salt a day. For someone with high blood pressure, the doctor may advise less.
    • If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure. One way to determine if you need to lose weight is to find out your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is above the healthy range (i.e., 25 or greater), or if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (women) or 40 inches (men) you probably have excess abdominal weight and you may benefit from weight loss especially if you have other risk factors.
    • Keep a sodium diary. You may be surprised at how much sodium you consume each day and the diary will help you decide which foods to decrease or eliminate.
    • If you consume alcohol, it should be avoided for better results

    Monday 7 July 2014

    Click And Earn With Instagram

    By: Unknown On: 08:34
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  • make money with InstagramInstagram is fun to put pictures on but you want to make money with Instagram and therefore you are on this page. That’s exactly right, because I will to the last detail to explain how you can make money with Instagram.

    Using Instagram to make money

    Instagram is a social media site where users can post pictures and share them with other users. It is of course nice to take pictures and put online, but why not take advantage of this? YOU can make money to sell! Through your photos using Instagram.

    Make money with Instagram

    Immediately, but the most important question, how can you make money with Instagram? Very simple, users of Instagram put large quantities of photos on Instagram that they themselves have made, just for fun. Unfortunately, most users do not realize that they can make money online on internet.
    In the business world, both on the internet and offline, very many images are used (For example, in advertising or on websites). These images must come from somewhere, right? Every time a photographer hire is very expensive, so companies often choose stock photos. Stock photos are photos taken by photographers on stock photo sites that anyone can buy duty free so they can be after buying used anywhere.

    Now you’re thinking, but I’m not a photographer and do not have any stock photo site? KNOCKING, but you’re as crazy photos on Instagram to put that you have made it? If so you can make money on Instagram. Indeed, there are special stock photo sites for Instagram images. You can store your pictures just on sale and make money doing so.
    make money online with InstagramWhat is a good site to make money from Instagram photos?. Before you can earn on Instagram photos, actual money you will need to have a good website where you can sell your photos. Dutch websites are unfortunately not yet. You’ll have to make do with English sites, but making money online with Instagram is fortunately still possible.
    The site that I think is best Instastockimages, this site was set up by Instagram users and is by far the best known. You can already create an account, but the site is not in use yet. You’ll have to wait before you can sell photos. Another option is Stock Photo Pants , as you may well begin selling Instagram photos.

    How much I can earn with Instagram

    How much you can earn depends on the amount of Instagram photos that you have and you add a daily basis, the quality of the pictures and the commission you get. The sites where you are going to sell the pictures because demand a portion of the proceeds to logically also because they have to cover their costs too. How much money you will earn with Instagram is so entirely at your own bet!
    Skimlinks Test

    Making Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

    By: Unknown On: 08:32
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  • Make money online through affiliate marketing
    Making money online with affiliate marketing is very widely used on the Internet. If you are the right way you can earn money online as an affiliate. But how do you do that exactly? Which affiliate networks are good? Or you can just better direct affiliate? Read our handy article on affiliate marketing through and start your own online business.

    Make money online with affiliate marketing

    Making money online with affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways to make money online with website. In affiliate marketing website owners to earn money online if purchased through their website (through advertising) something, or order is requested by a company / store. Thus promote the website owners a particular service or product and make money online when someone takes action through their website. Usually they get a fixed fee per transaction, but there may also be a percentage of commission depending on the purchase amount. Sometimes also pay per click on the ad, but it is less common
    If you want to make money online with affiliate marketing, it is important to know some terms.
    Advertisers:  Companies that want to promote their products / services and advertising materials before disposal.
    Affiliates:  Website owners through advertising material provided by the advertisers send visitors to the advertiser (in the hope that an action follows). They make money online when there is a sale or other action follows.
    Pay per sale:  Means that you get paid per sale. Most campaigns of companies are set up to sell more products. So here they turn in for the website owners (affiliates). If you ensures that what they sell, you will get a reward!
    Pay per lead:  It is just something else than pay per sale. A “lead” is usually a certain action of an Internet surfer. For example, request a guide, fill out online survey, somewhere personal data filling etc. Pay per lead means that you get a fee if a visitor does such action on your website.
    You can become an affiliate of individual websites, It is often the case that you want to be multiple companies and multiple campaigns affiliate wants to walk side by side. If that’s the case, you’d better choose to sign up with an affiliate network you. An affiliate network is a middleman that brings advertisers / companies and website owners, affiliates together. You will find a huge range of campaigns, which you can place on your website. Within no time A major advantage of this type of networks, in addition to the wide range is that all income coming in at a place inside. This will be paid monthly. So you do not all have to withdraw.

    Earn money online from own affiliate networks

    Since there are many affiliate networks, we have made an overview of the affiliate networks that we find the best. We looked at different things. We recommend that you create a network. Account at least The best you can create an account with multiple networks so that you can compare and choose the network that best suits.

    Click The Banner For Signup and Start earning


    This way of making money online with affiliate marketing is very efficient and you can really earn a lot of money if you do it the right way. The biggest advantage in our eyes is that you have to maintain, no stocks no need to develop their own product, but people just need to give relevant information about a product and they should offer. An option to buy You can automatically make money online with affiliate marketing so reasonable.

    Earn Money With Ebooks

    By: Unknown On: 08:27
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  • Make money from eBooksEarn money online on Internet as the all time greats money. By selling new, popular eBooks with reseller licenses for which you are the author and where you determine the selling price.
    Sales of eBooks on Internet grows and grows, more and more people are discovering the benefits in the marketing of digital products for themselves. Because instead of having to build a large warehouse to store its products and hope that the stock empties quickly. You can promote your products, eBooks sell in unlimited quantities and do not need to reorder. The product can not run out of you.

    Earn money from eBooks

    What we’d like to recommend our prospects again and again because it is simply one of the most lucrative ways to earn money from eBooks online on internet. The typical user on the Internet is looking for information and no doubt we are in an information age.
    Nowadays, people appreciate high quality, carefully prepared information and are therefore extremely willing to pay money for such information without further notice.
    Also you can use eBooks to make money online on Internet. There are people who are still skeptical about eBooks and believe to earn money from eBooks. So eBooks turn earn the subject of money online on internet.

    Ways to earn money from eBooks

    Generally, there are 2 different ways on how to sell eBooks and how even earn money from eBooks on internet. For one, you can either write yourself or you can write these or buy a so called reseller license that entitles you to resell.

    e of the most lucrative ways to earn money from eBooks online on internet. The typical user on the Internet is looking for information and no doubt we are in an information age.
    Nowadays, people appreciate high quality, carefully prepared information and are therefore extremely willing to pay money for such information without further notice.
    Also you can use eBooks to make money online on Internet. There are people who are still skeptical about eBooks and believe to earn money from eBooks. So eBooks turn earn the subject of money online on internet.

    Ways to earn money from eBooks

    Generally, there are 2 different ways on how to sell eBooks and how even earn money from eBooks on internet. For one, you can either write yourself or you can write these or buy a so called reseller license that entitles you to resell.
    1.   If you decide to use the opportunity to write an eBook yourself, then it is necessary that you actually know in the appropriate subject area and have the necessary know how. In principle, it is quite easy to write your own eBook. You really only need a word processor such as Microsoft Word, and can immediately start earn money from eBooks on Internet.
    2.   If you write your own eBook yourself, then you have the distinct advantage that you can define and adjust both the pricing and the sales channels absolutely self. This allows you to also increase the price, For example, if the demand is very good, or Vice-Versa also lower at any time if the demand should not be as good a time.ebooks

    Advantages of Reseller licenses

    You don’t have time and effort for creating eBook or You don’t need its own know how to the topic.

    Disadvantages of reseller licenses

    You are in the right marketing and pricing often very limited You can not easily adapt to the market price.
    The huge advantage of both variants, besides the fact that you can copy as often as eBooks and thus sell is that you if you sell eBooks you can earn money from eBooks on Internet, because here turnover means the same profit. For because you (i.e an eBook) have no manufacturing costs, shipping and storage costs for a digital book, etc., here is no cost.

    Earn money with skill7 games

    By: Unknown On: 02:52
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  • earn money with skill7 gamesSkill7 is one of the largest available in world gaming platforms. Has its seat as the undertaking, but it has an official license and a good support for online games players. The bandwidth has to offer Skill7 is very large compared to other providers. There are card games, board games, sports games, arcade and other. Well known classics such as Rummy, Skat and backgammon were very visually appealing prepared for the virtual experience. But also more modern games like Sugar or Spin7 have rightly their followers and they also come to Skill7 at their expense.

    Earn money with skill7 games

    Although you can play games Online on Skill7 and can Earn money with skill7 games, but this is not a must. You can completely do without it, or at least as long as only play for play money until you feel safe enough. When registering, each player gets a bonus of 50 dollars (money) with which he can work out in the test mode. So everyone gets users the opportunity to completely risk free as long to train until he playing for real money feels grown.
    If you want play and earn money with skill7 games, you can be sure that on Skill7 manages the maximum fairness. The players are categorized according to their skills and you will always be allocated only to those opponents who play at approximately the same level.
    skill7 gamesAs a beginner, so you need have no fear of having to compete against professionals. Everyone has the same opportunities and the skill alone decides. Games against computer opponents to money, there are not Skill7.

    Jackpots and Tournaments

    In addition to the classic games against a different opponent, there are at Skill7 periodically tournaments too, which you can log on. There, playing numerous online games players against each other, and the best clears the jackpot. This gives the game additional voltage. The more online games players participate in a tournament, the higher is the way the jackpot. Even as a daily winner, you can win a jackpot in different games. More information on this can be found offered on

    Privacy and Security

    Of course, in Skill7 also places great emphasis on the security of user data. Extensive privacy policy and a secure payment processing system (VeriSign) guarantee the protection of private data. For deposit and withdrawal of money on the players account Skill7 provides several different options available, such as PayPal and immediate transfer. Reports of problems in this regard, there has never been so far.


    If you like playing online games, is on Skill7 to the right place for playing games and to earn money with skill7 games. Those who wish can also play for real money here.
    Thanks to the test mode but any practice until he feels ready an opportunity that should be exploited. Because, as always when it comes to money, a loss must be factored. Since it is, however, allocated equally matched opponents, everyone has a fair chance. In addition to the fun of the game itself is one of the great advantages to Skill7.

    Earn money with photos

    By: Unknown On: 02:49
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  • earn money from photos
    There are many ways to earn money with photos. But there is a popular and fairly new way, by archive Photography websites also called micro-stock photography.
    Micro-stock photography is simple archive photograph sold at good prices. Customers can archive photos are already using for 1 or $ 2, and photographers earn every time because when a customer chooses one of their photos from the existing archive.
    Micro-stock photography infected allegedly still in its infancy, and some find it not correct that photography is sold at such low prices. Especially since some professional photographers spend a lot of time and money on their equipment, education and training and photo shoots.
    For the beginner photographers Micro-stock photography agencies can be the ideal place to start “career“. Since the entry requirements are not too strict, many amateur photographers already have can work a second Financial through their photos.

    Earn money with photos

    The process to earn money with photos, especially through Micro-stock photography agencies is fairly simple.
    1.   Do research online for Micro-stock photography agencies. There are quite a few, but initially meet one or two until you’re fit it.
    2.   Choose your absolute best photo from the first application. Some agencies expect ten photos for the application, others are content with just three.
    3.   Your photos are reviewed by humans and then either rejected or accepted and integrated into the Micro-stock photography file. If your photos are accepted, they are for customers to “buy” accessible.

    earn money with photographyEarn money with Micro-stock Photography

    Strictly speaking, they do not buy your image completely. You buy the right to use the image. Normally, Micro-stock Photography is used for websites. Sometimes for advertising, brochures or other marketing channels. The photographer retains the copyright to always own image and can normally sell the same image over and over again to different customers.
    And that’s the advantage of Micro-stock photography. Once you have made a great photo and you have signed up, you can with this image every month sometimes year after year to make money.
    Micro-stock photography agencies pay 0.20 or $ 0.50 per image usage or download. This does not seem much, although a good photographer with several hundred pictures on offer could develop a profitable second income because it all adds up

    Proper nutrition tips in Urdu

    By: Unknown On: 02:40
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  • Proper nutrition in the 21st Century a big issue with many facets. The variety of foods, fast foods and Co. is large and presents us with the agony of choice. But a sensible diet is, along with regular exercise is the key to a healthy life. Not for nothing it says “You are what you eat“. Even with a few very simple nutrition tips can make the diet healthy and perfectly integrated into everyday life. Incorporate a healthy diet into everyday life, is not all that difficult. Just follow our proper nutrition tips, zubaida beauty proper nutrition tips in Urdu and you will notice after a short time that you, you really feel fit.

    Proper nutrition tips

    1.  The breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, especially if you want you eat healthy. However, you should note a few things here as well. In addition to the coffee, water or tea is part of a good breakfast because the body is doing at night a lot of work to rejuvenate and detoxify.
    2.  Eat several small meals a day. This has the advantage that your stomach is not characterized earlier the onset of stretching as far as eating large portions, and satiety. Even the cravings so has no chance.
    3.  In everyday life, the way you eat and often do not notice what or how much one actually takes with himself. Experiments in the future, you concentrate on your food. It can also help to keep a record of what you eat, then bad habits can be discovered in the nutrition and better controlled.
    4.  Chew slowly and calmly, as the prerequisite for optimal digestion of ingested food is good preparation in the mouth. Chewing themselves heard, so to speak to digest it. Every morsel you to gulp down in a hurry, your stomach is still a great challenge, which comes at the cost of your life energy and health.
    5.  Fruits and vegetables constitute one of the most important building blocks for a healthy diet and therefore also forms an important cornerstone for diets such as the low GI diet. Fruits and vegetables provide you vitamins and minerals and are best eaten fresh in large quantities. Too much vegetables you can not eat. Fruit you should but in the evening, to take you because of the high content of fructose, only in small amounts.

    Nutrition tips in Urdu

    proper nutrition tips in Urdu

    Green Tea

    By: Unknown On: 02:35
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  • green tea benefits for healthGreen tea good for health, the first tea came in 1600 AD by sea to Europe and was first enjoyed “green“. This tea form but was ousted 200 years later by the black tea. Green tea is very healthy for losing body weight and fats also. Today, the green tea enjoys renewed rise in popularity. Very few of us know that this form of stimulant contains a lot of valuable ingredients, and thus may be described as a genuine all rounder.

    Benefits of green tea

    1.  In green tea ingredients are caffeine, contain trace amounts of vitamin C, B, D, fluoride, zinc, calcium, potassium, iodine, copper, manganese and theobromine.
    2.  The vitamin content is relatively low, so that only strong tea drinkers absorb appreciable amounts of it over the tea. For fluoride, which hardens the tooth enamel and caries inhibits, the green tea is an important source of food. He is also particularly rich in Phytochemicals. So the substance group of Polyphenols such as is attributed to a variety of positive effects on the organism.
    3.  Protection against free radicals, support detoxification processes in the body and inhibition of inflammation are just some of them. Also green tea helps in fats burning from body and weight loss.
    4.  A number of substances in green tea act alleged preventive or even curative in cardiovascular disease. The gently stimulating and at the same time mild narcotic properties make this type of tea particularly valuable because diseases such as hypertension and heart attack strongly associated with stress and anxiety are.
    5.  In addition, green tea contains abundant flavonoids, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease probably with regular enjoyment. These substances reduce most likely next to the high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and the risk of stomach, colon and breast cancer and provide for the extension of the duration of action of vitamin C in the body.
    6.  The caffeine contained in green tea is the circulation supplied delaying, i.e it is not as strong stimulant such as in cola or coffee. The body is positively refreshed by the caffeine, but not too excited. Due to the high manganese content of green tea is particularly important in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

    Green tea benefits in Urdu

    green tea benefits in Urdu

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